Society of OncoAnaesthesia and Perioperative Care

6th Society of OncoAnaesthesia and Perioperative Care conference (SOAPCCON)

2 nd || 3 rd|| 4 th August, 2024

Welcome SOAPC

With genuine enthusiasm and warm regards, we extend a hearty welcome to you for the much anticipated 6th Society of OncoAnaesthesia and Perioperative Care Conference 2024. From August 2nd to 4th 2024, join us in the vibrant city of Bengaluru for an immersive experience crafted for healthcare trailblazers like yourself.

This conference stands as a testament to our collective commitment to advancing the frontiers of OncoAnaesthesia and Perioperative Care. Prepare to be captivated by thought provoking discussions led by distinguished speakers, hands-on workshops that promise practical insights, and visionary presentations shaping the future of patient care in oncology.

Bengaluru, with its unique blend of cultural splendor and technological marvels, serves as the perfect canvas for our shared exploration. Beyond the conference halls, immerse yourself in the city's rich tapestry, unlocking inspiration at every turn. Your participation is pivotal in making the conference a resounding success. We look forward to the invaluable connections forged, the knowledge exchanged, and the indelible memories created during this gathering of minds.

Thank you for gracing us with your presence, and we eagerly anticipate welcoming you to Bengaluru.

Conference Highlights

Why Attend SOAPCCON 2024?

OncoAnesthesia and Perioperative Care refers to the specialized field of anesthesiology that focuses on providing comprehensive and tailored perioperative care for cancer patients undergoing surgical procedures. The unique challenges presented by cancer patients require a multidisciplinary approach to ensure optimal outcomes

About Host City

Bangalore, also known as Bengaluru (Kannada) is the capital of the Indian State of Karnataka. Bangalore is nicknamed
the Garden City and was once called a Pensioner's Paradise.

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Organizing Committee


Dr. J. Goswami
Dr. S. Solanki
Hon. Secretary
Dr. Anjali Pingle
Dr. J. V. Divatia
Immediate Past President
Dr. Raghu S Thota
Immediate Past Secretary

Local Sightseeing

Our Venue

Gayatri Vihar - Palace Ground Bengaluru

Everything Under One Roof

  • images The perfect destination for all kinds of events. Be it large weddings or small ones, corporate events or private parties, we have the perfect venues to host all of these at Gayathri Vihar. The best part, we have cuisines from around the world to make it more memorable. From contemporary Indian to lavish western, anything you want catered to your taste.